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The 3rd Global COE (21th GRC) International Frontier Seminar
"Let's creep! -- An experimental pursue for high-pressure rheology
Prof. Yanbin Wang
GeoSoilEnviroCARS, The University of Chicago
21 November 2008, 18:00-18:30
Room 101, First floor, Kogi-to Building, Faculty of Science, Ehime University
Synopsis: Rheological properties of earth materials play a crucial role
in controlling the dynamics and evolution of our planet. Since
materials in the solid earth are all under pressure, effects of pressure
on the rheological properties are of central importance and have been
studied by many researchers using various appraoches. In this talk, I
would like to present an overview of the rheological studies at the
GSECARS facilities at the Advanced Photon Source. A short background
introduction will be followed by some technical description of the
unique approaches taken at our facility. Scientific results will be
given to provide a flavor of the kinds of research currently being
conducted. Finally, future research directions and technical
developments will be discussed, in order to expand to a wider range of
areas pertinent to understanding the Earth.
Contact: T. Irifune phone: +81-89-927-9645 e-mail: irifune@dpc.ehime-u.ac.jp