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The 9th Global COE (27th GRC) International Frontier Seminar
"Rheology of serpentines, seismicity and mass transfer in subduction zone"
Prof. Bruno Reynard
Laboratoire de Sciences de la Terre UMR CNRS 5570,
Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, France
28 May 2009, 17:00-18:00
Room 385, 3 Floor, Sougoukenkyu-to Bldg, Faculty of Science, Ehime University
Serpentinites have a lower density and lower viscosity than "dry"
ultramafic rocks and it was proposed, based on numerical simulations, that
they play a major role in mantle-slab decoupling, and in downward (sink)
or upward (exhumation) motion of eclogites and ultra-high pressure (UHP)
rocks in subduction zones. Rheological data on antigorite, the stable variety
of serpentine in subduction zones, were obtained over a P-T range of 1-4
GPa and 200-500 /deg C that cover most of its stability field. The experiments
were carried out in a D-DIA apparatus installed at GSECARS on the 13-BM-D
line of APS. The determined stress-strain curves were fitted to a power-law
equation including both temperature and pressure dependence. The results
confirm that serpentinites acts as a weak layer that allows significant
mass transfer along the "serpentinized channel" and dynamic processes
such as mantle slab decoupling, and mantle wedge convection. Regardless
of the temperature, serpentinized mantle at the slab surface has a low
viscosity that allows localizing the deformation and impeding stress build-up.
It will limit the downdip propagation of large earthquakes, and allow viscous
relaxation as an origin of post-seismic deformations and slow earthquakes.
Models of growth and transport of a serpentinized channel using available
kinetic and present rheological data explain high exhumation rates of eclogites
and limited thickness of the channel at great depths (? 50 km), and slower
exhumation in a thick hydrated mantle corner at shallower depths. Such
channels may be difficult to detect from sismic tomography or using guided
waves because of their small thickness (<2-3 km).
Contact: T. Irifune phone: +81-89-927-9645 e-mail: irifune@dpc.ehime-u.ac.jp