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Activity report by young scientists for FY2008

March 16, 2009
Ehime University

Takaaki KAWAZOE (PD Fellow, GRC) Rheological propertoes of deep mantle minerals under high-pressure and temperature based on deformation and melting experiments.

Yoshio KONO (PD Fellow, present: Research Fellow, GRC): Elastic wave velocity measurements of minerals, rocks, and melts at high pressures and high temperatures.

Akihiro YAMADA (PD Fellow, GRC): Relaxation of MgSiO3 glass

Yusuke USUI (PD Fellow, GRC): Anisotropy and velocity heterogeneity in the deep Earth mantle: cross study combined with seistic observations and numerical modeling

Steeve Gréaux (PD Fellow, GRC): Impact of 3+ cations hositing on properties of minerals of the Earth’s deep mantle

Yoshinori TANGE (PD Fellow, present:Asistant Professor, GRC): Developments in high-pressure experiments for precise determination of the bulk composition of the lower mantle

Leiming FANG (PhD student, GRC): High pressure and high temperature synthesis of novel crystalline C-N materials

Takehiro KUNIMOTO (PhD student, GRC): Development of a 6-8-2 type multi-anvil apparatus and its applications

Yu NISHIHARA (Senior Research Fellow, Ehime Univ.): The phase transformation in MgSiO3 pyroxenes at high-pressure and –temperature determined by in-situ X-ray diffraction: Implications: for nature of the X-discontinuity

Jun TSUCHIYA (Senior Research Fellow Ehime Univ.): First principles investigations on hydrous systems-Brief reports of our recent works and future plans- Shoko ODAKE (PhD student, Univ. Tokyo): Laser processing of Nano-polycrystalline diamond

Hiroaki OHFUJI (Asistant Professor, GRC): Laser Heating in “nano-polycrystalline” diamond anvil cell-Application for melting experiments of iron-

Yuji HIGO (Research Scientist, SPring-8): Development of elastic wave velocity measurement technique which can be adapted for soft material -a preliminary experimental result