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Booth at Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2009

An exhibition booth was run by GRC members to advertise the activities of the GRC and the Global COE during the period (16-21 May) of the Japan Geoscience Union (JPGU) meeting held in Makuhari, near Tokyo. The people in charge of explaining the displays, including nano-polycrystalline diamonds (HIME-DIA), wore special Japanese Kimonos and attracted many participants and visitors. These costumes for “Botchan”(young master) and “Madonna” are those for the main characters in a Japanese novel written by Soseki Natsune, one of the most famous writers from the Meiji era in Japan. “Madonna” and “Botchan” were used for the names of the new 6000-ton kawai type and 1500-ton D-DIA type apparatus in the GRC.