The 20th Global-COE International Frontier Seminar
"The Elasticity of Synthetic Polycrystalline Almandine, Grossular and CMNF Garnet at High Pressures and High Temperatures"
Prof. Gabriel Gwanmesia
Delaware State University
23 February 2011 16:30-17:30
Meeting room (#486), 4F Science Research Building 1, Ehime University
Acoustic wave velocities for synthetic polycrystalline almandine [Fe3Al2(SiO4)3] grossular [Ca3Al2(SiO4)3] and CMNF [0.2 NaAlSi12O6 + 0.3 Mg2Si12O6 + 0.4 CaMgSi12O6 + 0.1 Fe2Si12O6] garnet were measured up 8 GPa and temperatures up to 1000K by ultrasonic interferometry technique, in conjunction with energy-dispersive synchrotron X-ray diffraction in a cubic anvil DIA-type apparatus (D-DIA). Travel times of compressional (P) and shear (S) waves and X-ray diffraction data were collected after heating and cooling at high pressures to minimize effect of non-hydrostatic stress on the measurements. Elastic bulk (KS) and shear (G) moduli data obtained at the end of the cooling cycles were fitted to functions of Eulerian strain to third order, yielding pressure derivatives of the elastic moduli (∂KS/∂P)T = 4.3 (1); (∂G/∂P)T = 1.13 (3) for almandine, (∂KS/∂P)T = 4.4 (2); (∂G/∂P)T = 1.28 (5) for grossular and (∂KS/∂P)T = 4.4 (4); (∂G/∂P)T = 1.36 (6) for the CMNF garnet. Both (∂KS/∂P)T and (∂G/∂P)T are identical within mutual experimental uncertainties for all three garnet compositions. Moreover, the new pressure derivatives of the elastic moduli are also equal within experimental uncertainties, to those of end-member pyrope garnet Py100 (Gwanmesia et al., 2006), and of Py60Mj40 and Py50Mj50 (Gwanmesia et al., 2009), from previous ultrasonic studies, thus indicating that the effect on the pressure derivatives of the elastic moduli due to cation (Ca, Na, Fe) substitutions in the garnet structure, observed in this study is minimal or insignificant. Furthermore, these derivatives are also similar to those of other major mantle phases.