13th GRC International Frontier Seminar


Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia

  Novel techniques for torsional forced oscillation/microcreep measurements under conditions of simultaneously high temperature and pressure have recently been applied in a study of polycrystalline olivine (Mg1.8Fe0.2SiO4). Fine-grained specimens have been prepared with and without added basaltic glass with melt fractions ranging from < 0.01 to 4%. Forced oscillation tests performed during slow staged cooling following annealing at 1200-1300℃ reveal qualitatively different behaviour of the melt-free and melt-bearing specimens. For the melt-free specimens (< 0.01 % melt), the strain-energy dissipation is of the ‘high-temperature background’ type-varying monotonically with period and temperature. Specimens containing as little as 0.01% melt at high temperature exhibit a broad dissipation peak superimposed upon a melt-enhanced background. The peak height scales with melt fraction, and its breadth implies a distribution of relaxation times about two decades wide. The peak moves to markedly shorter oscillation period with increasing temperature requiring an activation energy of about 720 kJ/mol. The peak cannot plausibly be explained by stress-induced grain-scale redistribution of melt (‘melt squirt’). Instead, it is attributed to elastically accommodated grain-boundary sliding apparently facilitated by the rounding of grain edges at triple-junction melt tubules. Elastically accommodated sliding is evidently suppressed in the melt-free materials by the presence of tight (~ nm) grain-edge intersections. In both classes of material the background dissipation and associated modulus dispersion are attributed to diffusionally accommodated grain-boundary sliding.   
  The observed viscoelastic behaviour is best parameterised with a Burgers-type creep function. This approach provides an internally consistent description of the variations of both the shear modulus G and the strain-energy dissipation 1/Q with frequency, temperature, grain size and potentially, melt fraction. Such models provide a robust framework for application of the insights gained in the laboratory to teleseismic wave propagation in the Earth’s mantle. Our model for the behaviour of melt-free olivine has recently been used to assess variations of shear-wave speed and attenuation in the upper mantle. Away from mid-ocean ridges and subduction zones, the first-order features of representative wave speed (and attenuation) versus depth models for both oceanic and continental upper mantle can be explained by sub-solidus temperature variations, without recourse to widespread partial melting and/or compositional variations. In ongoing work we are seeking to identify other factors with a potentially important influence on upper-mantle seismic-wave dispersion and attenuation-particularly the presence of dislocations reflecting prior deformation by dislocation creep and trace amounts of water. Progress in parallel experiments on synthetic olivine polycrystals and natural peridotites will be described. 


       お問い合わせ先: irifune@dpc.ehime-u.ac.jp TEL 089-927-9645

