15th GRC International Frontier Seminar
Prof. Hiroo Kanamori
Seismological Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, USA
27 April 2006 10:30-12:00
Room 101, Kogi-to Bldg, Faculty of Science, Ehime University

Lessons from the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake
The 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake (Mw=9.2) is one of the greatest earthquakes ever recorded. In terms of its physical size, it is comparable to the1960 Chilean (Mw=9.5), and the 1965 Alaskan (Mw=9.2) earthquakes. However, the damage caused by this earthquake is far greater than that caused by other great earthquakes. The 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake has been studied in great detail over broad time scales, from a fraction of seconds to hours and months, using the modern seismic data available from global seismic networks and the Global Positioning System (GPS) data. The findings obtained mainly from seismic data will be summarized, and the unique features of this earthquake, and possible directions of research to minimize the impact of great earthquakes on our society. will be discussed.
High-density Waveform data and their implications for
the Slab Structure beneath Japan
(A recent Caltech Study by M. Chen, J. Tromp, D. Helmberger,
and H. Kanamori)
The waveforms from deep-focus earthquakes near Japan recorded by the
Hinet network stations exhibit a systematic variation depending upon the
geometrical relationship between the ray path and the deep seismic zone.
First, the general characteristics of such variations of the P waveforms
will be explained in term of the slab structure determined by the studies
of Zhao and his coworkers. Then, more detailed results obtained by forward
waveform modeling conducted by Chen and her coworkers using both P and
S waves will be presented. The results suggest existence of a significant
low-velocity layer along the upper boundary of the slab beneath Tohoku
down to the depth of about 300 km.
お問い合わせ先: irifune@dpc.ehime-u.ac.jp TEL 089-927-9645