I am from Geological Survey of India and serving this premier organization
since June 27, 1995 and I am having over 15-years of experience in the
field of geophysical and seismological researches. I pursued my higher
study leading to Ph.D degree under supervisions and guidance of Prof. T.
Irifune and Prof. Dapeng Zhao in Seismological Laboratory, Geodynamics
Research Center (GRC), Ehime University, Japan from April 2001 to March
2004. I also participated and presented several research papers in national
and international seminar and symposiums with my research supervisor, Prof.
Dapeng Zhao. I accomplished my Ph.D thesis entitled "Lithospheric
heterogeneity and seismotectonics of northeast Japan forearc and Indian
regions", and received Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) degree from Ehime
University in March 2004. In this research work of my doctoral thesis,
I have investigated 3-D seismic structures of both subduction (Japan forearc,
Northeast India) and non-subduction zone of India. This piece of research
has significant contribution to the field of seismological research in
sense of understanding the extent of structural heterogeneity and its control
on the velocity anomalies (Vp, Vs) due to slab-dehyadration, serpentinization,
decoupling and coupling between the subducting and over-riding plate in
the subduction zone and in situ material heterogeneity. C ontinued my active
research work with Geological Survey of India after my return from Japan
and recently conducted "Aftershock investigation of Sumatra-Andaman
great tsunamigenic earthquake (Mw 9.3)" with my colleagues of GSI.
Our research group in GSI is full of so many young and dynamic researchers.
Prof. Zhao has invited several Indian researchers since 2001 to propagate
and exchange seismological expertise to India from the platform of GRC.
It is a great honor to my organization, GSI as well as to me to be invited
as a Visiting Professor by Geodynamics Research Center to work with Professor
Dapeng Zhao on variety of global seismological researches. Seismolab of
GRC has occupied a very significant position in the list of outstanding
pioneering seismological researches. I hope and wish to do good research
with Professor Dapeng Zhao during my stay to GRC, Ehime University, Japan.

これまでの研究としては、地球下部マントル条件圧力下で安定だと考えられている、新しく発見された酸化アルミニウム水酸化物の高圧相(δ-AlOOH)や高圧含水マグネシウムケイ酸塩(DHMS)の最高圧相Phase Dの水素位置決定などを行ってきました。その結果、これらの含水鉱物はいずれも下部マントル相当圧力で結晶内に存在する水素結合が通常の非対称状態から特殊な対称状態に変化する可能性を見出しました。常圧下の水や氷は二つの酸素に挟まれる水素がどちらかの酸素に強く結合して非対称(O-H…O)な形をとりますが、超高圧下では水素が酸素のちょうど中央に存在する対称(O-H-O)な状態に変化します。この水素結合対称化は含水鉱物の圧縮率、O-H振動状態などに影響を与えるということも計算で分かりました。現在は同様の方法を用い含水β相中の水素位置の決定を試みています。

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Om Prakash Mishra
土屋 旬