@I have come from Egypt. I graduated from the Faculty of Science, Cairo University in 1991. In the12th of October 1992, a big earthquake (M5.9) occurred in Egypt for the first time (in my life). It caused a lot of damage. At this time no one can believe that an earthquake could occur in such a stable part of Africa. This year (1992) is a turning point to me when I start my job in the National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG). Although NRIAG is one of the oldest observatories in the world, (since 1893), it received more fund and attention in 1992 from Egyptian government when people are curious to know what is Earthquake. I was always asked this question from public "Did Egypt enter the belt of earthquakes like Japan?" Although they don't know what is belt and what is earthquake. The government
starts to realize that it needs to give more attention to earthquakes.
@I was responsible for the routine work of one Broad-Band station (KEG)
in Egypt that belongs to the Mediterranean network (MEDNET). It was the
only Broad- Band station in Egypt in that time (1993). Thereafter I got
my Master degree in 1998 from Cairo University.
@My job as a seismologist could not make me forget my hobbies. In Addition to seismology that I love, I am very interested in Fortran programming and electronics. I am very attracted to electronics from the high school. This was an extraordinary hobby to any boy in that time. I spent all my money in that time for buying transistors and IC's. It is my full enjoyment to succeed to receive sound or noise from wiring some electronic components. Damn it, I spent a lot of money in it.
@The year 2002 is another turning point to me. I was gained the scholarship
to study my PhD in Ehime University (GRC). Grace to GRC, who provide me
the facility to learn what the real scientist should be. Prof. Dapeng Zhao
who supervises me in the period (2002-2006) is a pioneer man. He extracts
from me all my ability to accomplish my PhD thesis entitled "Waveform
modeling and tomographic imaging in the Japan Island" (March 2006).
During this period I studied the waveform modeling of Japanese earthquakes
providing simplified computer programs for data analysis and seismic modeling.
In addition, I studied the local and teleseismic tomography in Japan revealing
new images of the deep structures in Japan.
@In June 2006, I start the job as a Post doctor Fellow in the GRC. This is a great honor to me as well as to my organization to work with Prof. Dapeng Zhao in such job. Prof. Dapend Zhao gave a lot to seismology and still has a lot to give. Thanks for him to give me the chance to share with him his giving to the science.

@Mohamed Farouk Abdelwahed
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