FY2015 Application Guidelines for Joint Usage/Research
Premier Research Institute for Ultrahigh-pressure Sciences (PRIUS)
@The Premier Research Institute for Ultrahigh-pressure Sciences (PRIUS),
operated by the Geodynamics Research Center (GRC) at Ehime University,
is approved as a Joint Usage/Research Center by the Japanese Ministry of
Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. The purpose of PRIUS
is to effectively utilize (1) advanced high pressure apparatuses and analytical
instruments, (2) techniques of ultrahigh-pressure experiments and numerical
calculations, and (3) newly developed nanopolycrystalline diamond (NPD,
HIME Diamond) materials, at the GRC via collaborative researches to further
develop the ultrahigh-pressure sciences. For this purpose, PRIUS is calling
for collaborative research projects and research meetings in FY2015.
Application Guidelines : 2015 Application Guidelines (PDF)
Application document@ : Application ENG 2015
Report @@@@@@@@: Report ENG
1. Types of Collaborative Research Projects
@PRIUS is calling for the following types of collaborative researches
in the ultrahigh-pressure sciences and any related fields. Project members
involve both researchers at the GRC and researchers at universities and/or
institutions other than Ehime University.
- @A. Use of PRIUS facilities
- @This type of collaborative research project mainly utilizes research
facilities at the GRC including high pressure apparatuses, analytical instruments,
and so on and/or facilities at other institutions installed by the GRC.
The following experimental apparatuses are applicable. (Further details
are on the attached page.)
E Ultra-high pressure apparatuses and related apparatuses such as multi-anvil
@ apparatuses and diamond anvil cells
E Analytical instruments and processing equipment such as ATEM, FE-SEM,
E Measuring instruments and ultra-high pressure apparatuses at synchrotron
radiation facilities
- @B. Collaborative research
- @This is a collaborative research project without utilizing any facilities
(Supplementary use of the facilities is applicable). The followings are
examples of the subject areas.
- E Utilization of HIME Diamond
- E Theoretical simulations such as ab initio calculations and computational
fluid calculations, etc.
E Analyzation and ultra-high pressure synthesis of samples on request
- @C. Meetings
- @This is to organize a research meeting. In principle, the meeting will
be held at Ehime University. If necessary, it is also acceptable to be
at another institution or university (limited ONLY to Japan), and a statement
of its necessity in the application form is required in this case. It is
also acceptable to organize a training (internship) program combining lectures
and practical training for the purpose of improving the research techniques
of researchers and students.
2. Eligibility
@The applicant should be a researcher or an equivalent researcher (including
graduate students) from universities, institutions, or companies. We also
accept those who are approved by the director and the council of PRIUS.
If the applicant is a graduate student, he/she is required to possess the
following two conditions in order to apply: 1) In order to become a project
leader, his/her supervisor should take part as a project member, and 2)
In order to become a project member, he/she needs to obtain permission
from his/her supervisor.
3. Expenses
@It is free of charge to use the GRC's research facilities for those whose
research projects have been approved. There are cases where the user(s)
is/are obliged to compensate for any damage to the equipment and devices
if the damage is the fault of the user(s). If there are any research supplies
needs, the user should discuss the necessity for them with the facility
manager in order to purchase such supplies. Travel expenses could be covered
for the approved research projects based on the regulations on travel expenses
at Ehime University. but the travel costs from overseas are basically difficult to be covered by PRIUS.
Note that we adjust the total amount to actual expenses due to our limited budget.
4. Application Procedure
@Please fill out the application form that can be downloaded from the
following website (http://www.ehime-u.ac.jp/~grc/prius/index_eng.html)
and send it to the following e-email address (prius_at_stu.ehime-u.ac.jp)
after consulting with corresponding GRC member(s) about your research project.
@@E Application document: Application ENG 2015
5. Application Deadline
January 31, 2015
6. Contact Information
Research Hub Administrative Division, Research Support Department
Ehime University
2-5 Bunkyo-cho, Matsuyama Ehime, 790-8577, JAPAN
Tel: +81 89 927 8165 Fax: +81 89 927 8167
Email: prius_at_stu.ehime-u.ac.jp
@ @ (ͺPlease change from "_at_" to "@" when you
send us e-mail.)
7. Selection
@The comprehensive review for applications is conducted at the council of PRIUS for selection in terms of the necessity of the research project, originality, feasibility, and so on.
8. Notification of Acceptance/Denial
@We will contact the applicant as soon as we have a decision.
9. Research Results
@Please acknowledge the support for the research project from the joint
usage/research center for PRIUS at the GRC, Ehime University when the results
of the research project are released. The reprints (either paper or digital
(PDF) forms) from any printed matters on the research such as published
papers and conference proceedings etc. must be sent to us via email or
mail (see No.6 for contact information).
10. Report on Research Results and Meetings
@The project leader is required to submit a yearly report on the research results and meetings at the end of the fiscal year. Please use the "Research Report" form which can be downloaded from our website and send to us via email or mail (see No.6 for our contact information). The phrase, "Summary of Results" will be on the form, and they will be released and printed for publication as an annual report on collaborate research projects of PRIUS.
@Note: The results of the research projects will be released as a general
rule. Exceptions are (1) all or parts of the result(s) are related to the
filing of patent applications, and (2) the project is still so ongoing
that it is not appropriate for releasing at that time. Please consult with
us if a postponement on releasing the results is necessary due to the reason(s)
@@@E@Report: Report ENG
11. Participation on Result Presentation for Joint Usage/Research
@A symposium will be held regularly for presenting the results of the
research projects at the GRC, therefore, the leader or a member of the
project will be asked to give a presentation at the symposium for reporting
the results.
12. Intellectual Property Right
@If intellectual property is created by conducting the research project,
the intellectual property offices (or any equivalent office) at affiliated
institutions or universities of each project member should discuss the
application, procedure, cost, rights, and so on.
13. Securities and Export Control
@If research instruments, samples, or techniques are to be exported/transferred
to outside Japan, if needed, the official procedure based on the Regulation
of Securities and Export Control in Ehime University will be undertaken.