[E-mail] singhdeo_datta@hotmail.com
1966 Patna(インド)大学地質学科卒
1969 インド鉱山大学応用地球物理学科卒
1970 インド鉱山大学応用地球物理学修士卒
1980 インド鉱山大学応用地球物理学博士卒
○Singh ,D.D. (1990): Q - structure beneath north and central
Indian Ocean from the inversion of observed Love and Rayleigh
wave attenuation data , Phys. Earth and Planet. Interiors,
○Singh, D.D. (1991) : Anelasticity of the crust and upper mantle
beneath north and central India from the inversion of observed
attenuation data, Pure and Applied Geophysics, vol 135,pp 544-558.
○Singh, D.D. (1991). Source mechanism of Cachar earthquake. NE India
of December 30, 1984 from the synthesis of body waves, J. Geol.
Soc. India ;vol 37, 365-373.
○Singh,D.D. (1993) . Shear wave velocity structure beneath NE India
and nearby regions and seismic source parameters of earthquakes
in its vicinity, HIMALAYAN GEOLOGY , Vol 4 (2),283 - 295
○Singh,D.D. (1994). Shear wave velocity structure over the eastern
Indian subcontinent , TECTONOPHYSICS 230, 127 -134.
○Singh.D.D. (1994) .Shear wave velocity and attenuation structure
beneath Antarctica from surface wave data ; Geophys. Jour.
International 118 , 515 - 528.
○Singh, D.D. (1997) : Moment tensor solutions of earthquakes in
Indian Ocean from surface waves and their tectonic implications
Pure and Applied Geophysics 150, 53-73.
○Midzi Vunganai, D.D. Singh, Kuvvet Atkan and Jens Havskov (1999).
Transitional continental-oceanic structure beneath the Norwegian
Sea from the inversion of surface wave group velocity data,
Geophysical Jour. Intern. 139 , 433-446.
○Singh,D.D. (1999) :Surface wave tomography studies beneath the
Indian Subcontinent; Journal of Geodynamics, 28, 291-301.
○Singh.D.D. (2000).Seismotectonics of the Himalaya and its vicinity
regions from the centroid moment tensor (CMT) solution of
earthquakes, Jour. of Geodynamics 30, 507-537.
インド鉱山省National Mineral賞受賞 (1995)