TANDEM (The Asian Network in Deep Earth Mineralogy) is an international network in Asia region for the advancement of experimental and computational studies on physical properties, structures, dynamics, and evolution of the Earth's deep interior. Current members of TANDEM are laboratories/individuals at major institutions in Australia, China, Japan, and Korea. One of the major focusing points of TANDEM is the enhancement of international collaborations and exchange of young researchers in high-pressure mineral physics and related science/technology fields. We combine unique techniques and facilities in individual laboratories to develop new frontiers in deep Earth mineralogy as well as in training young scientists in high-pressure research. Information on meetings, student internships, post-doctoral opportunities, available facilities, collaborations, etc. will be shared within the network via internet communications. TANDEM is coordinated by Geodynamics Research Center (GRC), Ehime University, with financial support by the Global COE program gCenter for Advanced Experimental and Theoretical Deep Earth Mineralogyh funded by MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology) for fiscal years 2008-2012.

œRed dots denote 6 institutes which have official agreements with GRC for mutual exchange of PhD students and reserchers and/or strong relationships in cooperative researches.

