研究業績リスト (Dapeng Zhao)
(1) Zhao, D., S. Horiuchi, A. Hasegawa (1990) 3-D seismic velocity structure of the crust and uppermost mantle in the northeastern Japan arc. Tectonophysics 181, 135-149.
(2) Hasegawa, A., D. Zhao, S. Hori, A. Yamamoto, S. Horiuchi (1991) Deep structure of the northeastern Japan arc and its relationship to seismic and volcanic activity. Nature 352, 683-689.
(3) Zhao, D., H. Kanamori (1992) P-wave image of the crust and uppermost mantle in southern California. Geophys. Res. Lett. 19, 2329-2332.
(4) Zhao, D., A. Hasegawa, S. Horiuchi (1992) Tomographic imaging of P and S wave velocity structure beneath northeastern Japan. J. Geophys. Res. 97, 19909-19928.
(5) Zhao, D., S. Horiuchi, A. Hasegawa (1992) Seismic velocity structure of the crust beneath the Japan Islands. Tectonophysics 212, 289-301.
(6) Zhao, D., A. Hasegawa (1993) P-wave tomographic imaging of the crust and upper mantle beneath the Japan Islands. J. Geophys. Res. 98, 4333-4353.
(7) Zhao, D., H. Kanamori (1993) The 1992 Landers earthquake sequence: Earthquake occurrence and structural heterogeneities. Geophys. Res. Lett. 20, 1083-1086.
(8) Hasegawa, A., A. Yamamoto, D. Zhao, S. Hori, S. Horiuchi (1993) Deep structure of arc volcanoes as inferred from seismic observations. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. 343, 167-178.
(9) Hasegawa, A., D. Zhao (1994) Deep structure of island arc magmatic regions as inferred from seismic observations, Magmatic Systems (edited by M. P. Ryan), Academic Press, pp. 179-195.
(10) Zhao, D., A. Hasegawa, H. Kanamori (1994) Deep structure of Japan subduction zone as derived from local, regional, and teleseismic events. J. Geophys. Res. 99, 22313-22329.
(11) Zhao, D., A. Hasegawa (1994) Teleseismic evidence for lateral heterogeneities in the northeastern Japan arc. Tectonophysics 237, 189-199.
(12) Zhao, D., H. Kanamori (1995) The 1994 Northridge earthquake: 3-D crustal structure in the rupture zone and its relation to the aftershock locations and mechanisms. Geophys. Res. Lett. 22, 763-766.
(13) Zhao, D., D. Christensen, H. Pulpan (1995) Tomographic imaging of the Alaska subduction zone. J. Geophys. Res. 100, 6487-6504.
(14) Zhao, D., H. Kanamori, H. Negishi, D. Wiens (1996) Tomography of the source area of the 1995 Kobe earthquake: Evidence for fluids at the hypocenter? Science 274, 1891-1894.
(15) Zhao, D., H. Kanamori, E. Humphreys (1996) Simultaneous inversion of local and teleseismic data for the crust and mantle structure of southern California. Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 93, 191-214.
(16) Ma, K., J. Wang, D. Zhao (1996) Three-dimensional seismic velocity structure of the crust and uppermost mantle beneath Taiwan. J. Phys. Earth 44, 85-105.
(17) Zhao, D., Y. Xu, D. Wiens, L. Dorman, J. Hildebrand, S. Webb (1997) Depth extent of the Lau back-arc spreading center and its relation to subduction processes. Science 278, 254-257.
(18) Zhao, D., H. Kanamori, D. Wiens (1997) State of stress before and after the 1994 Northridge earthquake. Geophys. Res. Lett. 24, 519-522.
(19) Zhao, D., T. Matsuzawa, A. Hasegawa (1997) Morphology of the subducting slab boundary in the northeastern Japan arc. Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 102, 89-104.
(20) Zhao, D. (1998) Seeking the cause of earthquakes. Science Spectra 11, 6-10.
(21) Zhao, D., H. Negishi (1998) The 1995 Kobe earthquake: Seismic image of the source zone and its implications for the rupture nucleation. J. Geophys. Res. 103, 9967-9986.
(22) Fan, G., T. Wallace, D. Zhao (1998) Tomographic imaging of deep velocity structure beneath the eastern and southern Carpathians, Romania: Implications for continental collision. J. Geophys. Res. 103, 2705-2723.
(23) Kayal, J.R., D. Zhao (1998) Three-dimensional seismic structure beneath Shillong Plateau and Assam Valley, Northeast India. Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 88, 667-676.
(24) Serrano, I., J. Morales, D. Zhao, F. Torcal, F. Vidal (1998) P-wave tomographic images in the Central Betics-Alboran Sea (South Spain) using local earthquakes: Contribution for a continental collision. Geophys. Res. Lett. 25, 4031-4034.
(25) Zhao, D., T. Mizuno (1999) Crack density and saturation rate in the 1995 Kobe earthquake region. Geophys. Res. Lett. 26, 3213-3216.
(26) Gorbatov, A., J. Dominguez, G. Suarez, V. Kostoglodov, D. Zhao, E. Gordeev (1999) Tomographic imaging of the P-wave velocity structure beneath the Kamchatka peninsula. Geophys. J. Int. 137, 269-279.
(27) Morales, J., I. Serrano, A. Jabaloy, J. Galindo-Zaldivar, D. Zhao, F. Torcal (1999) Active continental subduction beneath the Betic Cordillera and the Alboran Sea. Geology 27, 735-738.
(28) Zhao, D., F. Ochi, A. Hasegawa, A. Yamamoto (2000) Evidence for the location and cause of large crustal earthquakes in Japan. J. Geophys. Res. 105, 13579-13594.
(29) Zhao, D., K. Asamori, H. Iwamori (2000) Seismic structure and magmatism of the young Kyushu subduction zone. Geophys. Res. Lett. 27, 2057-2060.
(30) Zhao, D., J.R. Kayal (2000) Impact of seismic tomography on Earth sciences. Current Science 79, 1208-1214.
(31) Zhao, D., A. Hasegawa (2000) Preface: Seismic structure and stress regime of subduction zones. Tectonophysics 319, 223-224.
(32) Hasegawa, A., A. Yamamoto, N. Umino, S. Miura, S. Horiuchi, D. Zhao, H. Sato (2000) Seismic activity and deformation process of the overriding plate in the northeastern Japan subduction zone. Tectonophysics 319, 225-239.
(33) Iwamori, H., D. Zhao (2000) Melting and seismic structure beneath the northeast Japan arc. Geophys. Res. Lett. 27, 425-428.
(34) Roth, E., D. Wiens, D. Zhao (2000) An empirical relationship between seismic attenuation and velocity anomalies in the upper mantle. Geophys. Res. Lett. 27, 601-604.
(35) Zhao, D. (2001) Seismic structure and origin of hotspots and mantle plumes. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 192, 251-265.
(36) Zhao, D. (2001) New advances of seismic tomography and its applications to subduction zones and earthquake fault zones: A review. The Island Arc 10, 68-84.
(37) Zhao, D. (2001) Seismological structure of subduction zones and its implications for arc magmatism and dynamics. Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 127, 197-214.
(38) Zhao, D., K. Wang, G. Rogers, S. Peacock (2001) Tomographic image of low P velocity anomalies above slab in northern Cascadia subduction zone. Earth Planets Space 53, 285-293.
(39) Zhao, D., F. Ochi, E. Takahashi (2001) Seismic images of hot spots and mantle plumes, AGU Monograph Vol. 128: Hawaiian Volcanoes: Deep underwater perspectives (edited by E. Takahashi et al.), pp. 349-364.
(40) Seno, T., D. Zhao, Y. Kobayashi, M. Nakamura (2001) Dehydration of serpentinized slab mantle: Seismic evidence from southwest Japan. Earth Planets Space 53, 861-871.
(41) Nakajima, J., T. Matsuzawa, A. Hasegawa, D. Zhao (2001) Three- dimensional structure of Vp, Vs, and Vp/Vs beneath northeastern Japan: Implications for arc magmatism and fluids. J. Geophys. Res. 106, 21843-21858.
(42) Nakajima, J., T. Matsuzawa, A. Hasegawa, D. Zhao (2001) Seismic imaging of arc magma and fluids under the central part of northeastern Japan. Tectonophysics 341, 1-17.
(43) Tamura, Y., Y. Tatsumi, D. Zhao, Y. Kido, H. Shukuno (2001) Distribution of Quaternary volcanoes in the northeast Japan arc: Geologic and geophysical evidence of hot fingers in the mantle wedge. Proc. Japan Academy 77, 135-139.
(44) Huang, J., D. Zhao, S. Zheng (2001) Seismic tomography of the Sichuan-Yunnan region. Chinese J. Geophys. 44, 127-135.
(45) Zhao, D. (2002) Seeking the cause of large crustal earthquakes in Japan: Influence
of arc magma and fluids. Seismotectonics in Convergent Plate Boundary (edited
by Y. Fujiwara & A. Yoshida), pp. 71-91, Terra Publishing, Tokyo.
(46) Tamura, Y., Y. Tatsumi, D. Zhao, Y. Kido, H. Shukuno (2002) Hot fingers in the mantle wedge: new insights into magma genesis in subduction zones. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 197, 105-116.
(47) Huang, J., D. Zhao, S. Zheng (2002) Lithospheric structure and its relationship to seismic and volcanic activity in southwest China. J. Geophys. Res. 107, 10.1029/2000JB000137.
(48) Kayal, J., D. Zhao, O.P. Mishra, D. Reena, O.P. Singh (2002) The 2001 Bhuj earthquake: Tomographic evidence for fluids at the hypocenter and its implications for rupture nucleation. Geophys Res. Lett. 29, 10.1029/ 2002GL015177.
(49) Lei, J., H. Zhou, D. Zhao (2002) 3-D velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle beneath Pamir and adjacent region. Chinese J. Geophys. 45, 811-819.
(50) Nakamura, M., Y. Yoshida, D. Zhao, K. Yoshikawa, H. Takayama (2002) Three-dimensional P and S wave velocity structure beneath Central Japan. Papers in Meteorology and Geophysics 53, 1-28.
(51) Serrano, I., D. Zhao, J. Morales (2002) 3-D crustal structure of the extensional Granada Basin in the convergent boundary between the Eurasian and African plates. Tectonophysics 344, 61-79.
(52) Serrano, I., F. Bohoyo, J. Galindo-Zaldivar, J. Morales, D. Zhao (2002) Geophysical signatures of a basic-body rock placed in the upper crust of the External Zones of the Betic Cordillera (Southern Spain). Geophys. Res. Lett. 29(11), 18-1.
(53) Zhao, D., O.P. Mishra, R. Sanda (2002) Influence of fluids and magma on earthquakes: seismological evidence. Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 132, 249-267.
(54) Salah, M., D. Zhao (2003) 3-D seismic structure of Kii Peninsula in Southwest Japan: Evidence for slab dehydration in the forearc. Tectonophysics 364, 191-213.
(55) Salah, M., D. Zhao (2003) Three-dimensional attenuation structure of Southwest Japan estimated from spectra of microearthquakes. Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 136, 215-231.
(56) Huang, J., D. Zhao (2003) P-wave tomography of crust and upper mantle under Southern California: Influence of topography of Moho discontinuity. Chinese J. Seismol. 25, 563-573.
(57) Mishra, O.P., D. Zhao (2003) Crack density, saturation rate and porosity at the 2001 Bhuj, India, earthquake hypocenter: A fluid driven earthquake? Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 212, 393-405.
(58) Mishra, O.P., D. Zhao, N. Umino, A. Hasegawa (2003) Tomography of northeast Japan forearc and its implications for interplate seismic coupling. Geophys. Res. Lett. 30(16), 10.1029/ 2003GL017736.
(59) Serrano, I., D. Zhao, J. Morales (2003) Seismic tomography from local crustal earthquakes beneath eastern Rif mountains of Morocco. Tectonophysics 367, 187-201.
(60) Nakamura, M., Y. Yoshida, D. Zhao, H. Sato, S. Nishimura (2003) Three-dimensional P- and S-wave velocity structures beneath the Ryukyu arc. Tectonophysics 369, 121-143.
(61) Sato, H., K. Muro, A. Hasegawa, D. Zhao (2003) Mathematica as a powerful and practical tool for displaying animated three-dimensional structures of the Earth's interior. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 4(4), 1034, 2001GC000303.
(62) Zhao, D. (2004) Global tomographic images of mantle plumes and subducting slabs: insight into deep Earth dynamics. Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 146, 3-34.
(63) Zhao, D., J. Lei (2004) Seismic ray path variations in a 3-D global velocity model. Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 141, 153-166.
(64) Zhao, D., H. Tani, O.P. Mishra (2004) Crustal heterogeneity in the 2000 western Tottori earthquake region: effect of fluids from slab dehydration. Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 145, 161-177.
(65) Zhao, D., J. Lei, Y. Tang (2004) Origin of the Changbai volcano in northeast China: Evidence from seismic tomography. Chinese Science Bulletin 49, 1401-1408.
(66) Salah, M., D. Zhao (2004) Mapping the crustal thickness in southwest Japan using Moho reflected waves. Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 141, 79-94.
(67) Kobayashi, R., D. Zhao (2004) Rayleigh wave group velocity distribution in the Antarctic region. Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 141, 167-181.
(68) Mishra, O.P., D. Zhao (2004) Seismic evidence for dehydration embrittlement of the subducting Pacific slab. Geophys. Res. Lett. 31, L09610, doi:10.1029/ 2004 GL019489.
(69) Huang, J., D. Zhao (2004) Crustal heterogeneity and seismotectonics of the region around Beijing, China. Tectonophysics 385, 159-180.
(70) Guo, B., Q. Liu, J. Chen, D. Zhao, S. Li, Y. Lai (2004) Seismic tomographic imaging of the crust and upper mantle beneath the northeastern edge of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and the Ordors area. Chinese J. Geophys. 47, 790-797.
(71) Martin, A., K. Umeda, C. Connor, J. Weller, D. Zhao, M. Takahashi (2004) Modeling long-term volcanic hazards through Bayesian inference: An example from the Tohoku volcanic arc, Japan. J. Geophys. Res. 109, B10208, doi:10.1029/2004JB003201.
(72) Zhao, D., S. Todo, J. Lei (2005) Local earthquake reflection tomography of the Landers aftershock area. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 235, 623-631.
(73) Salah, M., D. Zhao, J. Lei, M. Farouk (2005) Crustal heterogeneity beneath southwest Japan estimated from direct and Moho-reflected waves. Tectonophysics 395, 1-17.
(74) Lei, J., D. Zhao (2005) P-wave tomography and origin of the Changbai intraplate volcano in Northeast Asia. Tectonophysics 397, 281-295.
(75) Huang, J., D. Zhao (2005) Fine 3-D velocity structure and its implications for the generation of large earthquakes in the Chinese capital region. Chinese Science Bulletin 50, 348-355.
(76) Ai, Y., D. Zhao, X. Gao, W. Xu (2005) The crust and upper mantle discontinuity structure beneath Alaska inferred from receiver functions. Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 150, 339-350.
(77) Zhang, Y., D. Zhao, M. Matsui (2005) Anisotropy of Akimotoite: a molecular dynamics study. Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 151, 309-319.
(78) Wang, Z., D. Zhao (2005) Seismic imaging of the entire arc of Tohoku and Hokkaido in Japan using P-wave, S-wave and sP depth-phase data. Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 152, 144-162.
(79) Mishra, O.P., D. Zhao, D. Singh (2005) Northwest Pacific fundamental mode Rayleigh wave group velocity and its relationship with tectonic structures. Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 95, 2125-2135.
(80) Mishra, O.P., D. Zhao, D. Singh (2005) Surface wave studies beneath the Pacific Ocean. Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 95, 2152-2161.
(81) Abdelwahed, M.F., D. Zhao (2005) Waveform modelling of local earthquakes in southwest Japan. Earth Planets Space 57, 1039-1054.
(82) Ikeda, M., D. Zhao, Y. Ohno (2006) Crustal structure, fault segmentation and activity of the Median Tectonic Line in Shikoku, Japan. Tectonophysics 412, 49-60.
(83) Lei, J., D. Zhao (2006) A new insight into the Hawaiian plume. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 241, 438-453.
(84) Wang, Z., D. Zhao (2006) Suboceanic earthquake location and seismic structure in the Kanto district, central Japan. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 241, 789-803.
(85) Mukhopadhyay, S., O.P. Mishra, D. Zhao, J. Kayal (2006) 3-D seismic structure of the source area of the 1993 Latur, India, earthquake and its implications for rupture nucleations. Tectonophysics 415, 1-16.
(86) Wang, Z., D. Zhao (2006) Seismic evidence for the influence of fluids on the 2005 west off Fukuoka prefecture earthquake in southwest Japan. Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 155, 313-324.
(87) Lei, J., D. Zhao (2006) Global P-wave tomography: on the effect of various mantle and core phases. Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 154, 44-69.
(88) Zhang, Y., D. Zhao, M. Matsui, G. Guo (2006) Equations of state of CaSiO3 perovskite: A molecular dynamics study. Phys. Chem. Minerals 33, 126-137.
(89) Qi, C., D. Zhao, R. Chen, Q. Chen and B. Wang (2006) 3-D P and S wave velocity structures and their relationship to strong earthquakes in the Chinese capital region. Chinese J. Geophys. 49, 805-815.
(90) Wang, Z., D. Zhao (2006) Vp and Vs tomography of Kyushu, Japan: New insight into arc magmatism and forearc seismotectonics. Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 157, 269-285.
(91) He, R., D. Zhao, R. Gao, B. Wang, C. Qi (2006) Teleseismic P-wave tomography of lithospheric mantle beneath West Kunlun orogenic belts. Chinese J. Geophys. 49, 778-787.
(92) Wang, Z., D. Zhao (2006) Seismic images of the source area of the 2004 Mid-Niigata prefecture earthquake in Northeast Japan. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 244, 16-31.
(93) Huang, J., D. Zhao (2006) High-resolution mantle tomography of China and surrounding regions. J. Geophys. Res. 111, B09305.
(94) Chou, H., B. Kuo, S. Hung, L. Chiao, D. Zhao, Y. Wu (2006) The Taiwan-Ryukyu subduction-collision complex: Folding of a viscoelastic slab and the double seismic zone. J. Geophys. Res. 111, B04410.
(95) Wang, Z., D. Zhao, J. Wang, H. Kao (2006) Tomographic evidence for the Eurasian lithosphere subducting beneath South Taiwan. Geophys. Res. Lett. 33, L18306.
(96) Mumladze, T., D. Zhao, Z. Javakhishvili (2006) 3-D P-velocity structure of the crust beneath Georgia. J. Georgian Geophys. Soc. 10, 59-67.
(97) Suetsugu, D., T. Inoue, A. Yamada, D. Zhao M. Obayashi (2006) Towards mapping
the three-dimensional distribution of water in the transition zone from
P-velocity tomography and 660-km discontinuity depths. AGU Monograph 168
"Earth's Deep Water Cycle", 237-249.
(98) Guo, B., Q. Liu, J. Chen, D. Zhao, S. Li, Y. Lai (2006) Seismic tomography of the crust and upper mantle structure underneath the Chinese Tianshan. Chinese J. Geophys., 49, 1693-1700.
(99) Wang, Z., D. Zhao, O.P. Mishra, A. Yamada (2006) Structural heterogeneity and its implications for the low-frequency tremors in Southwest Japan. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 251, 66-78.
(100) Zhao, D., J. Lei, T. Inoue, A. Yamada, S. Gao (2006) Deep structure and origin of the Baikal rift zone. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 243, 681-691.
(101) Zhao, D., A. Yamada, Y. Ohta (2006) Precisely measured travel times of mantle body waves: implications for mantle heterogeneity and tomography. Earth Science Frontiers 13, 37-47.
(102) Zhao, D. (2007) Multiscale seismic tomography of mantle plumes and subducting slabs. In "Superplumes: Beyond Plate Tectonics", Springer Science Press, 7-30.
(103) Zhao, D., S. Maruyama, S. Omori (2007) Mantle dynamics of western Pacific to East Asia: New insight from seismic tomography and mineral physics. Gondwana Research 11, 120-131.
(104) Maruyama, S., M. Santosh, D. Zhao (2007) Superplume, supercontinent, and post-perovskite: Mantle dynamics and anti-plate tectonics on the core-mantle boundary. Gondwana Research 11, 7-37.
(105) Okada, T., A. Hasegawa, J. Suganomata, D. Zhao, H. Zhang and C. Thurber (2007) Imaging the source area of the 1995 southern Hyogo (Kobe) earthquake (M7.3) using double-difference tomography. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 253, 143-150.
(106) Nolet, G., R. Allen, D. Zhao (2006) Mantle plume tomography. Chemical Geology (in press).
(107) Lei, J., D. Zhao(2007) Teleseismic evidence for a break-off subducting slab under Eastern Turkey. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. (in press).
(108) Abdelwahed, M.F., D. Zhao (2007) Deep structure of the Japan subduction zone. Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. (in press).
(109) Yamada, A., D. Zhao (2007) Mapping the 660 km discontinuity under Japan Islands using mantle reflected waves. Earth Sci. Frontiers (in press).
(110) Zhao, D., Z. Wang, N. Umino, A. Hasegawa (2007) Tomographic imaging outside a seismic network:
Application to the northeast Japan arc. Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. (in press).
(1) Zhao, D., S. Horiuchi, A. Hasegawa (1990) P-wave velocity of the uppermost mantle off the Japan Sea coast. Tohoku Geophys. J. 33, 177-183.
(2) Zhao, D. (1999) Seismic tomography and its applications to the imaging of subduction zones and earthquake fault zones. Recent Developments in Geophysical Research, Vol. 2, pp. 15-32, Research Signpost, India.
(3) 趙 大鵬、越智富美子、浅森浩一 (1999) 日本列島の地震構造ー直下型地震はどこで発生するか. 月刊地球, 21, 667-673.
(4) 趙 大鵬、越智富美子、浅森浩一 (1999) 西南日本の深部構造と地震・火山活動. 月刊地球, 21, 205-211.
(5) 趙 大鵬、中島淳一、長谷川昭 (1999) 東北地方の3次元地震波速度構造と地震・火山活動.月刊地球, 号外 27, 14-21.
(6) 趙 大鵬、越智富美子、浅森浩一 (2000) 西南日本の震源域における流体の存在、起源と役割. 月刊地球, 22, 13-21.
(7) 趙 大鵬 (2000) 断層帯の地震波トモグラフィー. 月刊地球, 号外 31, 66-72.
(8) 趙 大鵬 (2001) 地震波トモグラフィーから見た歴史地震の分布と発生機構. 月刊地球, 23, 95-103.
(9) 趙 大鵬 (2001) ホットスポットとマントルプルームの深部構造と起源. 月刊地球, 23, 470-475.
(10) Zhao, D. (2001) Deep structure of subducting slabs and mantle plumes from global tomography. Tohoku Geophys. J. 36, 111-130.
(11) 浅森浩一、趙 大鵬、大滝寿樹、神定健二 (2001) インドネシア下の3次元マントル構造の推定. 月刊地球, 23, 462-465.
(12) 越智富美子、中村美加子、趙 大鵬 (2001) 西南日本下のフィリピン海スラブの構造. 月刊地球, 23, 679-684.
(13) 越智富美子、趙 大鵬 (2001) 日本列島下の地殻内地震発生層の地域的変化. 東京大学地震研究所彙報, 76, 145-153.
(14) 浅森浩一、趙 大鵬 (2001) 地震波トモグラフィーから推定した九州地方の島弧マグマ分布とスラブ構造. 東京大学地震研究所彙報, 76, 155-161.
(15) 趙 大鵬、平田 直、小原一成 (2002) 2001 年芸予地震:フィリピン海スラブ脱水の影響. 月刊地球, 号外 38, 247-252.
(16) 趙 大鵬 (2003) 地震波トモグラフィーによる構造区分. 月刊地球, 25, 285-292.
(17) 小林励司・趙 大鵬 (2003)南極地域のレイリー波群速度分布. 月刊地球, 25, 502-507.
(18) 小野剛・趙 大鵬 (2003) ホットスポットとマントルプルームの地震学的構造. 月刊地球, 25, 495-501.
(19) 趙 大鵬 (2003) 内陸の地震での水の関与. 「地震発生と水」(笠原順三, 鳥海光弘, 河村雄行 編), pp. 263-280, 東京大学出版会.
(20) Zhao, D. (2004) Deep structure and origin of hotspots and mantle plumes derived from global seismic tomography. Environment, Natural Hazards, and Global Tectonics of the Earth (edited by Y.J. Chen), pp. 151-165, Higher Education Press, Beijing, China.
(21) Lei, J., D. Zhao (2004) The relationship between the origin of the intraplate Changbai volcano and the subducting Pacific slab. Advance in Earth Sci. 19(3), 364-367.
(22) 趙 大鵬・山田 朗 (2005) 水を吸い込む日本列島下のマントル. 科学 75, 958-964.
(23) 井上智史・雷建設・山田朗・趙大鵬 (2005) 臨時地震観測網を用いたバイカルリフト帯下の上部マントル構造解析. 月刊地球 27, 773-776.
(24) 山本啓二・趙大鵬・雷建設・山田朗 (2005)チベット地域下の地殻・上部マントル構造. 月刊地球 27, 759-762.
(25) 王志・趙大鵬・山田朗 (2005) 東北日本弧全域の地震波トモグラフィー:日本海溝から背弧まで. 月刊地球 (号外) 52, 16-22.
(Dapeng Zhao)