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The present program will offer various internships and training programs for young scientists and provide comprehensive support for visiting researchers and PhD students, particularly for those from overseas, in addition to financial support for the research projects by these young scientists. We also offer special funds for overseas graduate students for internships in high-pressure experiments, ultrasonic measurements, spectroscopic analyses, in situ synchrotron X-ray observations, computer simulations, as well as postdoctoral positions at GRC and special supports for overseas PhD students studying in the Deep Earth Mineralogy Course at the Graduate School of Ehime University.
Education Programs
- International Workshop
- International Lecture
- Frontier Seminar
- Financial support for researches
by PD researchers and PhD students - Support for students
by special PhD course - Activities of "YESA"
(young earth scientist association)
- Applitcation of quantum beams to Deep Earth Mineralogy
- Internships at SPring-8, Stony Brook Univ., Univ. Tokyo and institutes having official agreements with GRC
- Education programs for a wide variety of techniques and experiments